The project’s main innovation is how its educational system will be addressed not only to Farming Trainers / Advisors in Area of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants but to farmers too as it has been recognized by the European Union the lack of agricultural training. As it is already decided according to European Rural Development Program (RDP) all project partner countries are about to invest on training of farmers. Therefore the Total Business Plants project can act complementary to those actions offering its innovative training system, aiming to increase employability in rural section. In the same order under the RDP umbrella the partner countries are about to finance young farmers to start up their business, in case that they have the necessary knowledge and skills. Thus the Total Business Plants project based on EQF/NQF frameworks will establish national models, methods and experiences in the partner countries and will find its further realization contributing to transparency and recognition of skills and competences offering specialized knowledge in the field.


The main objective of the project is to transfer knowledge and innovation about the agricultural sector, promoting sustainability, competitiveness and economic growth in rural areas. It acts in a complementary way to the European Rural Development Programme (RDP) to promote employability and agricultural specialisation through open and innovative education, apprenticeships and labour mobility.