The Global FemART Project continues!
Despite the worldwide pandemic, The Global FemART partnership continues to work hard to keep the Global FemART project going! Our project partners in the UK, Spain, Italy, Poland and Belgium are working extremely hard to keep conducting training sessions and developing the Global FemART Academy.

Changes due to Covid – 19
Whilst the Global FemART project continues to help female artists and creatives, there have been a few changes to the way the project is running. Given that social distancing is in place and all the partners are working from home, the partnership has had to make a few alterations to our original plan! Don’t worry though, you can still benefit from the training and academy, just not in a face-to-face way for a while!
Artist CirclesTM delivery: In many of the partner countries, trainers have started to deliver the second round of Artist Circle sessions online, rather than face-to-face. Given the current situation, group meetings are not possible; however, with all the amazing technology available to us, we are able to conduct these sessions online, via platforms such as Zoom or GoToMeeting. Inova Consultancy, developers of the Circles methodology, have had previous experience of conducting Circles sessions online, with each session being just as successful, beneficial and rewarding as those conducting in a face-to-face setting.
The Italian partner, Materahub, has already finished their online training sessions and have praised the success of the training and its value for participants: check out the Materahub article for more details!
Transnational Partner Meetings: Given the current situation, the partnership has not been able to travel to have face-to-face partner meetings to discuss all aspects of the Global FemART project and the next steps to take! However, through the use of online platforms, the partners have been able to stay connected and ensure the project is managed effectively in each of the countries involved, and will continue to do so until it is safe to once again travel.